
Advancing Reconciliation



Full course description

Australia is a nation with an unresolved tension at its core. Its history of colonial dispossession has left a hidden wound running through the national identity – even today many non-Indigenous Australians still do not understand its consequences on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 


RMIT is looking to play a leading role in creating a genuine relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australia.  This is an RMIT initiative that aims to transform the cultural values of the University. It aims to create an environment where all staff and students, international and domestic, can understand their place in a shared journey of reconciliation. 


This course provides an overview to RMIT staff of the different ways that colonial dynamics have shaped, and continue to shape, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous relations, the importance of recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sovereignty, and the importance of thinking critically about how this knowledge relates to self. 

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